mercredi 1 octobre 2014

October 2014 - Editorial

The G8's work on the concept of Impact Investing clarified the term "Social Impact Investing" which describes companies that pursue their social mission while seeking profitability.

These companies require investor support to grow. It was very positive that the G7 investors (following Russia's exclusion) represented in the work group included the specific concept of these social missions in their strategic vision. "Impact" investing is defined as an investment that targets companies whose objective (mission) is to solve or meet a social challenge (social and/or environmental) while seeking a degree of financial stability.

The fact that all of the attendees approved this definition and the recommendations associated with the governments involved are an opportunity for investors seeking to give meaning to their investments. The European and French legal frameworks have adapted to these new needs (the SSE law in France and the EuSEF regulation included in the Social Business Act in Brussels). We hope that you will support us by joining the community of investors that supports us today.

Olivier de Guerre, chairman of PhiTrust Partenaires

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